emma argues with principal figgins


Emma Pillsbury, the guidance counselor at William McKinley High School, is often at odds with Principal Figgins. She is passionate about her students and their well-being, while Figgins is more interested in following the rules and maintaining order. This difference in priorities often leads to conflict between the two characters.

One of their most notable arguments occurs in the episode “Journey.” The glee club has been struggling to keep its doors open due to budget cuts, and Principal Figgins is considering shutting it down. Emma is determined to save the club, and she argues with Figgins passionately about its importance.

Emma tells Figgins that the glee club is more than just a singing club. It is a safe space for students to express themselves and to be accepted for who they are. She argues that the club has helped many students to overcome their insecurities and to build confidence.

Figgins counters that the school is facing severe budget cuts, and that the glee club is a low priority. He tells Emma that he has to make difficult decisions, and that he is not willing to sacrifice other programs in order to save the glee club.

Emma is not convinced. She tells Figgins that the glee club is worth fighting for. She argues that the club makes the school a better place, and that it is worth investing in.

The argument escalates, and Figgins eventually tells Emma that she is being insubordinate. He threatens to discipline her if she does not back down.

Emma refuses to back down. She tells Figgins that she is willing to put her job on the line for the glee club. She says that she cannot stand by and watch the club be destroyed.

Figgins is impressed by Emma’s passion. He realizes that she truly believes in the glee club and in its importance. He ultimately decides to keep the club open, but he warns Emma that she is on thin ice.

This argument between Emma and Principal Figgins is one of the most memorable moments in the series. It highlights the importance of passion and conviction, and it shows that even the smallest victories can be worth fighting for.

Here is a more detailed account of the argument, based on the script of the episode:

Emma fights for the glee club with Principal Figgins in the "Journey"...  News Photo - Getty Images


EMMA sits across from PRINCIPAL FIGGINS at his desk.

FIGGINS Emma, I’ve called you in here today to discuss the glee club.

EMMA I know.

FIGGINS As you know, the school is facing severe budget cuts. We’ve already had to cut back on several programs, and I’m afraid the glee club may be next.

EMMA But Principal Figgins, the glee club is important. It’s more than just a singing club. It’s a safe space for students to express themselves and to be accepted for who they are. The club has helped many students to overcome their insecurities and to build confidence.

FIGGINS I understand that, Emma. But I’m afraid the school simply can’t afford to keep the club open.

EMMA But you have to find a way. The glee club is worth fighting for. It makes the school a better place.

FIGGINS I see that you’re passionate about the glee club, Emma. But I’m afraid I’ve already made my decision. The club is being shut down.

EMMA No. I won’t let you do that.

FIGGINS What are you talking about, Emma?

EMMA I’m saying that I’m willing to put my job on the line for the glee club. I can’t stand by and watch you destroy it.

FIGGINS Emma, you’re being insubordinate.

EMMA I don’t care. I’m doing what’s right.

FIGGINS You’re making a big mistake, Emma.

EMMA No, I’m not. I’m fighting for what I believe in.

FIGGINS (sighs) Very well, Emma. You have convinced me. The glee club will stay open. But I warn you, you’re on thin ice.

EMMA Thank you, Principal Figgins. I won’t let you down.

Disney+ on X: "Principal Figgins does NOT stand for nonsense. @iqbaltheba  #GleeWatchParty #Glee #DisneyPlus https://t.co/3wTheNye12" / X

Emma stands up and leaves the office. She is victorious, but she knows that she is still in danger. She is determined to continue fighting for the glee club, no matter what.

This argument between Emma and Principal Figgins is significant because it shows that Emma is willing to stand up for what she believes in, even when it means putting herself at risk. It also shows that Figgins is a reasonable man who is willing to change his mind when presented with a convincing argument.

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