How to Show Before and After Photos on WordPress Business site?

How to Show Before and After Photos on WordPress Business site?


In today’s digital time, a picture can speak a thousand words, and this is especially true when it comes to showcasing the results of your business services or products. wordpress service provider Whether it’s a renovation project, a fitness transformation, or a beauty makeover, displaying before and after photos on your WordPress business site can be a powerful marketing tool to showcase the impact of your work.

If you’re running a WordPress business site and want to showcase before and after photos, you may be wondering how to do so effectively. wordpress service provider Fortunately, WordPress makes it easy to create image galleries and display them on your site.

We’ll show you how to display before and after photos on your WordPress business site in a way that’s engaging and informative for your audience. Custom WordPress Development Services By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to create beautiful before and after photo galleries that showcase your products or services in the best possible light.

Fortunately, WordPress makes it easy to showcase before and after photos on your business site. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to display before and after photos on your WordPress business site.

Step 1:

Choose a WordPress plugin To display before and after photos on your WordPress business site, you’ll need to choose a suitable plugin that allows you to create image sliders. There are several plugins to choose from, but some of the most popular ones include:

  1. Before-After Images Slider Lite
  2. Twenty20 Image Before-After
  3. Smart Before After Viewer
  4. Before After Slider Plugin

Once you’ve chosen your plugin, install and activate it on your WordPress site.

Step 2:

Upload you’re before and after images After installing the plugin, the next step is to upload yours before and after images. Custom WordPress Development To do this, navigate to the plugin settings on your WordPress dashboard and locate the option to upload images.

When uploading the images, ensure that you upload the before and after photos in the correct order. This will ensure that the slider displays the images correctly.

Step 3:

 Create a new slider Once you’ve uploaded your before and after images, the next step is to create a new slider. This can be done by navigating to the plugin settings and locating the option to create a new slider.

In the slider creation section, you’ll need to specify the before and after images that you uploaded earlier, as well as any other settings that the plugin may have. WordPress Website Development Services Some plugins allow you to customize the slider settings, such as the speed at which the images transition, the orientation of the slider, and the size of the images.

Step 4:

Add the slider to your WordPress site After creating the slider, the next step is to add it to your WordPress site. Depending on the plugin you’re using, there are several ways to do this. Some plugins allow you to embed the slider using a shortcode, while others require you to insert the slider into a widget or a page template.

To embed the slider using a short code, navigate to the page or post where you want to display the slider and add the shortcode. The shortcode is usually provided in the plugin settings or on the plugin documentation page.

If you want to add the slider to a widget, navigate to the WordPress dashboard and locate the widgets section. wordpress plugin development services Find the widget area where you want to add the slider, drag and drop the widget onto the area, and configure the settings.

Step 5:

Customize the slider After adding the slider to your WordPress site, you may want to customize it to match the overall design of your site. Depending on the plugin you’re using, there are several ways to do this.

bespoke wordpress development Some plugins allow you to customize the appearance of the slider using CSS. This is the best option if you’re comfortable working with code.

Alternatively, some plugins provide a user-friendly interface that allows you to customize the slider’s appearance without writing code.

Step 6:

Optimize your images Before and after photos can be quite large in size, which can slow down your site’s loading speed. custom wordpress website development services To ensure that your site loads quickly, it’s important to optimize your images.

There are several ways to optimize your images, including compressing them, resizing them, and optimizing their file format. WordPress plugins like Smush can help you optimize your images automatically, or you can use an image optimization tool like TinyPNG or Kraken.


Adding before and after photos to your WordPress business site can be a great way to showcase your services and products. wordpress service provider allows potential customers to see the transformation that can be achieved through your business, increasing their confidence in your abilities.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily add before and after photos to your WordPress site using a variety of methods, such as using plugins or adding custom code.

Whether you’re a photographer, a salon owner, or a home renovation contractor, showing before and after photos can be an effective way to attract and convert more customers.

So, take the time to implement this feature on your site and enjoy the benefits it can bring to your business. If you are looking for web application development services and Show Before and After Photos on your WordPress Business sites then contact 8therate.

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