How a Poker Faced Girl Really Feels

How a Poker Faced Girl Really Feels

Do you know a poker-faced girl? The one who always seems stoic, unreadable, and unfazed by the world around her? She is mysterious and intriguing, yet her true feelings remain a mystery. In this article, we will reveal the inner workings of a poker-faced girl and take a look at how she really feels beneath her poker-faced mask. We will explore the psychology of a poker-faced girl and delve into the emotions that she masks in order to protect her heart. By understanding the psychology of a poker-faced girl, we can unlock the key to her heart.

Overview of how poker face can be viewed

Overview of how poker face can be viewed

Poker Face is a popular game that combines elements of bluffing and probability. It is played with a standard deck of 52 cards, with each player receiving two cards face down. The goal of the game is to make the best five-card poker hand by using the two cards dealt to each player, as well as the five community cards dealt in the center of the table. As the game progresses, players take turns betting, raising, and folding in an attempt to build the best hand. In order to succeed, players must be able to read their opponents, identify their opponent’s strengths and weaknesses, and create an optimal strategy. Poker Face can be seen as a game of skill, strategy, and luck, all of which combine to make it an enjoyable and challenging game.

Different Types of Poker Face

The poker face is a classic tool of emotional control. It is a mask that hides your real emotions and intentions, allowing you to remain in control of a situation. There are three different types of poker face: the “I’m not interested” poker face, the “I’m angry” poker face, and the “I’m hiding something” poker face.

The “I’m not interested” poker face

The “I’m not interested” poker face is a poker face that is used to convey disinterest. It is a blank, expressionless face and it is often used when someone doesn’t want to give away their true feelings or opinions. This poker face can be used to avoid a confrontation or to appear unbothered by a situation.

The “I’m angry” poker face

The “I’m angry” poker face is a poker face that is used to express anger without actually showing it. It is a poker face that conveys a sense of anger without actually having to show it. This poker face is often used when someone wants to remain in control of a situation and not show their true feelings.

The “I’m hiding something” poker face

The “I’m hiding something” poker face is a poker face that is used to hide something that someone doesn’t want to be revealed. It is a poker face that conveys a sense of secrecy and mystery. This poker face is often used when someone doesn’t want to give away their true emotions or intentions.

Overall, the poker face is an important tool of emotional control. Different types of poker face can be used to convey different emotions and intentions without actually showing them. Whether it’s disinterest, anger, or secrecy, the poker face can help someone remain in control of a situation and keep their true feelings hidden.

What Really Goes On Inside a Poker Faced Girl

What Really Goes On Inside a Poker Faced Girl


Insecurity is something that can affect even the most confident of people, and this is especially true for a poker faced girl. She may come across as being in control and sure of herself, but underneath the surface she is often riddled with doubt and self-consciousness. She is constantly second-guessing her decisions, wondering if she is making the right choices or if she is doing something wrong. She may also feel like she is not good enough; she may not feel like she measures up to those around her, and she may feel like she is not as strong or as capable as those around her.


Fear is another emotion that can lurk beneath the surface of a poker faced girl. She may be fearful of failure, of being judged, or of not being accepted. She may also be afraid to take risks, as she is worried about the consequences of doing so. She is likely to be scared of making mistakes, as she believes that these will be used against her and will reflect negatively on her.


Finally, a poker faced girl is likely to overthink things. She may ruminate and obsess over a situation, going over it again and again in her head, trying to find the perfect solution. She may also worry about what other people think of her, and she may worry that her actions and decisions are not good enough. Ultimately, this can lead to her becoming overwhelmed and feeling exhausted, as she can become fixated on her thoughts and unable to move on.

How to Connect with a Poker Faced Girl

Be patient

A poker faced girl can be quite a challenge when it comes to making a connection with her. By definition, a poker faced girl is someone who keeps their emotions hidden and is less likely to open up and be vulnerable. Therefore, when you are trying to connect with her, it is important to be patient and to take things slow.

Ask questions

When it comes to connecting with a poker faced girl, the best approach is to ask questions. Ask her about her interests, her dreams and aspirations, her goals and her day to day life. This will give her an opportunity to open up about herself and to let you get to know her better.

Show genuine interest

Another great way to connect with a poker faced girl is to show genuine interest in her life. Ask her about her hobbies and her passions, and take the time to listen to her answers. Show her that you care about what she has to say and that you are genuinely interested in learning more about her. This will help her to feel more comfortable around you and to start to open up.

By taking the time to be patient, ask questions and show genuine interest, you can start to build a connection with a poker faced girl. Show her that you genuinely care and you will be rewarded with a strong and lasting connection.


This article has discussed how a poker-faced girl really feels on the inside. While it is true that many girls put on a stoic face, it is also true that they are feeling a great deal of emotion. Girls may use a poker face to protect themselves from the judgments of others, but it is important to remember that behind the facade is a person who is feeling the full range of emotions that life has to offer. By being mindful of this, you can help to create a safe and supportive environment for the poker-faced girl in your life.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Poker Faced Girl?

A Poker Faced Girl is someone who is able to control her emotions, making it difficult for her to be read and understood. She is usually known for her stoic or cold and emotionless demeanor, but this does not necessarily mean she is not feeling anything.

How do I know a Poker Faced Girl is not being genuine?

If a Poker Faced Girl consistently avoids making eye contact, or if her facial expressions are always the same, then it is likely that she is not being genuine. Additionally, if she doesn’t respond to jokes or other social cues, this could be another sign.

How can I tell if a Poker Faced Girl is really feeling something?

The best way to tell if a Poker Faced Girl is really feeling something is to observe her body language. Paying attention to her posture, the tone of her voice, and her facial expressions can give clues as to how she really feels.

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